MacDirectory Magazine

Tithi Luadthong

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Page 95 of 219

Kindness - The Power of Making Great Projects Shouldn’t be Wasted By Andy Marken We had wrapped up the business part of a video conference call with a highly respected industry observer/analyst when he said he was a little surprised at how rom-coms and Barbie had changed studios priorities. That launched us into a nearly hour-long discussion of the ebb and flow of film genre over the years. We admit it, rom-coms and light-hearted flicks have never been our go-to movie choices. However, for Barbie, there are a number of reasons it was a record-setter with everyone but the old white guy voters in the Academy. Two major reasons they overlooked were: - 50.5 percent of US population today is female, while the ratio is roughly equal globally - People need a reprise from the constant barrage of negative news, half-truths Video stories (movies/series) have always been a relief/release opportunity for people who simply want to unwind and refresh. It wasn’t that long ago that superhero pics were guaranteed to be winners at the box office. Today, they struggle. At home, couch potatoes want adventure, action, animation and rom-com. Tina was right, “we don’t need another hero.” People want to live, experience life beyond Thunderdome.

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