MacDirectory Magazine

Tithi Luadthong

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 94 of 219

− Smart mobile device(s) − Connected car − Wireless fitness band − Connected stereo − Sensor enabled employee ID − Connected home alarm − Smart meter − Connected toys − Smart watch − Smart scale − Connected garage system − Connected health monitors − Connected door locks − Connected baby monitors − Connected kitchen devices − Connected connected And folks' lives are online: − Birth date − Photos − Email address − Home address − Running dialogue of activities − Groups they belong to − Cell, home phone − Personal videos − Religious, political affiliation Lina Kahn, FTC (Federal Trade Commission) chair noted, “That data trove will contain a wealth of revealing information that, when patched together, will present a deeply personal and startlingly complete picture of each of us.” Symantec's recent research bulletin said, "Poor security on many IoT devices makes them soft targets, and often victims may not even know they have been infected. Attackers are now highly aware of lax IoT security and many pre-program their malware with commonly used and default passwords." While we may not be able to defeat hackers and cybercrime, the former director of the FBI's crime and cybercrime response unit said recently that we owe it to future generations to avoid completely mismanaging the issue to make it worse to deal with in years to come. Brian Russell, CSA’s (Cloud Security Alliance) IoT chair added that "The IoT will never be truly secure." It doesn’t mean we have to be stupid. We can do better. As MacReady said, “I know what you mean. Trust's a tough thing to come by these days.” Don’t worry. We’ll get right on it … later.

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