MacDirectory Magazine

Tithi Luadthong

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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The best film/show leads aren’t perfect because they are often a little rough around the edges – touches of violence, occasional bad language, light drinking/smoking and mild sexy stuff. Just enough to show the minor flaws that also meet the MPA (Motion Picture Association) and TV ratings requirements. Hey, it’s the real world we live in, but people still want to/need to see/experience “real,” positive endings. While men can and do create positive projects, the changing content demand has opened global film/show opportunities for women and genders. Ironically, the modest gains aren’t coming at the expensive of men but rather as a result of the expansion of the industry as streaming increased content demand. According to Follows, females today hold more than 42.5 percent of the professional positions with Taiwan, China, Thailand, Lithuania, Malaysia and Romania having the highest number of females. Mexico, India, Iran have the lowest percentage. In the Americas, the industry is making progress at a snail’s pace in getting females involved behind the scenes. An average of 25 percent of behind-the-scenes roles are now being held by women, according to the Celluloid Ceiling Study at San Diego State University. As far as people of color? Few have the industry status and respect of Tyler Perry, Spike Lee, Jordan Peele or Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Samual L. Jackson and other go-to directors/actors. So, it’s still a work in progress. However, those who have “made it”, are paving the way for others and consistently proving they can deliver the kind of content messages everyone wants today. By the same token, Hallmark films/shows are ravingly popular over the various holidays and for many of the same reasons Barbie neatly fit in that category for people –

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