MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.
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116 MacDirectory
A lot has changed in the microstock
industry since it took flight nearly 10 years
ago. Talented artists and photographers
have the potential to earn sizeable
commissions, in addition to industry
recognition. Buyers, on the other hand,
have the option of shopping around a
competitive market. Fotolia is a microstock
company that balances both interests.
Content: More than 7,000,000 images
Fotolia's library includes high-resolution
photographs, vectors, illustrations, and HD
videos from around the world. Fotolia
attracts high-quality content by paying
contributors some of the highest
commissions in the business (between 30
and 60 percent). Contributing artists
maximize their earning potential by
deciding if they want to be exclusive,
partially exclusive, or non-exclusive.
Images for a $1, really means images
start at $1
Buyers love Fotolia for the value it offers –
images are affordable and of high quality.
Each image on the site has a credit value
depending on the size, resolution, etc. Unlike
other sites, where you have to purchase in
excess of 300 credits to get images for $1,
Fotolia's credits always start at $1.
Customize the way you buy
Need a little or a lot? Either way, clients
come first with Fotolia's flexible credit and
subscription purchase plans. Recently, the
company introduced a new subscription
plan that made high-resolution images,
vectors, and videos even more accessible.
The Premium Subscription Plan gives
members all-inclusive access to Fotolia's
main collection for as low as $249/month.
Account holders can tailor the plan to
their needs by customizing the number of
users, downloads, and contract length.
Images for life with royalty-free
To top things off, Fotolia empowers
consumers with purchase confidence by
redefining what royalty-free means to the
consumer. Fotolia images come with a
standard license and most have the option
of upgrading to an extended license. Plus,
only Fotolia offers no run limits. This
means, you can use an image where you
need, for as long as you need, with as
many copies as you need.
Earn Free Credits with Fotolia's
Affiliation Program
What sets Fotolia apart from other
microstock sites offering affiliation
incentives is that this is a lifetime offer.
For more information, check out