MacDirectory Magazine

Winter-Spring 2009 (#40)

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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MacDirectory 157 INTERVIEW important and when I returned to my office she was gone, but had left me a message saying, "If you ever decide you don't want to work here any more we would love to work with you but we think it is terrible for you to have to work with a guy like this." This was someone I had known for a very long time. My agency manager called me into his office and he said, "I think your priorities are all messed up, your family is more important to you than your job, and I need you to take a day off and think about this. I have to have you 100 percent or I don't want you here any more." I went home and called those people up and said, "Is this for real?" They said, "Absolutely." My father said, "What's the matter?" I told him the story and he said, "You know what, I'm self-employed, my brother is self-employed, and if you have never thought about it, and if you don't do it, you will regret it for the rest of your life." I went in the next day and told [my boss] that I had thought about it and he was I quit, and then I went out on my own as a independent software developer using Helix. I had a good career going and I made a lot of money. At one point I had a lot of applications that seemed like they could be successful as vertical market applications. I figured I needed help and added a salesperson but that didn't work out. By 1991 Mac was in deep trouble because of Windows and Helix went under in February of 1992 and was broken up into two companies. The second owner of Helix took a company with 125 workers and decimated it and within two or three years it was just him, his sister and one tech support guy and a huge user base that never got their phone calls answered, and it was just a mess. Then, along came a third guy, the Chip Maker, and he decided to find some folks who had been not been associated with the original and he found me and a couple others. Sadly, he was a poor money manager and in 2002 he money-managed himself out of business and we bought the company out of bankruptcy court and here we are. MD > So where is Helix now? GN > Helix is a virtual company living in cyberspace. Matt and I and one other guy who chooses to remain anonymous own the company. We run it online basically. I work out of my home. Matt works out of his home and we have seven or eight engineers that we employ all over the world. On Monday, we have a regular 3 p.m. development conference on iChat and we are a very lean organization and very efficient. We are cranking out the new OS X version that no one else could do or wanted to do over the years and now we are almost done. MD > Do you have the product stable in a large database now? GN > Six of seven products are all done in OS X. We have one left. We'll probably get back to work on that one in about three to five weeks after we polish off some issues in one we just finished. ——————————————————————— Since this interview, Gil is currently working on new ventures and expanding on his life as an entrepreneur. You can expect to see more new projects coming from QSA ToolWorks and a new company just formed. You can find Helix at . Sales & Marketing: (516) 935-9151 Technical Support: (570) 662-8883 GIL NUMEROFF HELIX > USER MODE OS X

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