MacDirectory Magazine

Riyahd Cassiem

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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beyond a gut feeling. It can help determine the film’s strengths/weaknesses, where it needs to be reinforced and help in zeroing in on locations, cinematographer(s) and actors who can best deliver audience entertainment. Yes, we understand that all that stuff is dull; but it can make it easier for someone to greenlight the project beyond just saying, “yeah, we’re going to do a different, better film than Fall Guy, Quiet Place, Twister, Alien, Smile, Lion King or another doll knock-off.” It also makes it more difficult for some studio heads to shelf the project (especially if it’s in final post), just because she or he needs another tax write-off. Not impossible, but more difficult. “The industry took a giant leap forward when VP (virtual production) LED screens were meshed with Unreal’s gaming engine and Nvidia’s GPU (graphics processing unit),” said Allan McLennan, President of 2G Digital Post. “They deliver tools and capabilities we almost take for granted today." “Virtual camera systems, real-time rendering, photo-realistic CG (computer generated) backgrounds and AI-assisted production software is now fairly integrated in the production workflow and commonplace, whether you’re creating a 30-sec spot or a two-hour film,” he continued. “I’m sure some greenscreen work is being done, but every production facility in operation or in construction has varying VP sets and automated systems because they can dramatically improve the development of the project while helping to reduce the time and cost." “As with the AI-enabled tools, they help crews be more effective and efficient,” he added. “More people are able to break set and go home for dinner in the evening rather than being tied down, sometimes working seven days a week. It helps them achieve a better balance in their personal/professional lives.” The first wave of AI tools is already being used extensively in video editing and post-production where folks have been able to pass off the time-consuming, tedious, mind-numbing and yes, boring but vital tasks. These teams have been hit with a double-whammy – the need for dramatically reduced production times and reduced budgets – while executives still expect them to deliver flawless, eye-popping creativity.

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