MacDirectory Magazine

Riyahd Cassiem

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Friendly Foe - Neat Tools Are Needed to Help Creatives Deliver Fantastic Films, Shows By Andy Marken “Turns out, in my Matrix, the worse we treat you, the more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce. It's nuts. I've been setting productivity records every year since I took over. And, the best part, zero resistance.”, The Analyst, "The Matrix Resurrections", Warner Bros, 2021 For a technology that has been around since the ‘40s, it’s really hard to understand all of the noise – cheering and hand wringing - that has grown around AI over the past couple of years especially in the content creation, production, distribution industry. Every morning, you wake up and someone has developed the perfect AI tool that’s going to change the way we live and work. Then you hear “experts” explain how it’s going to be the second coming or the devil incarnate. It’s not a new prophecy … the automatic loom created a panic in the 19th century, but it ended up creating more and better jobs. The typewriter was going to wipe out jobs for secretaries but it expanded and enhanced work opportunities for millions. Yes, it did totally sc*** up our ability to write cursive but … Back in 1952, Arthur Samuel built a rudimentary AI checkers program that went on to beat the best players around. Then an AI package was developed that could beat leading chess masters. But the technology met it’s match when a human beat AI at the ancient abstract

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