MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.
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The $1B is a sliver of $13B they’ll probably spend this year on new, original content to keep subscribers and win new subscribers. To preserve the home time budget, we and other folks fell back into the routine of watching a flick plus 4-5 minutes of ads an hour. It turns out people think it’s a good deal except for the fact that most of the commercials suck! You know, just like the old pay TV days but thankfully less time wasted on bad spots. The problem is that marketers focus on selling their schoodle (yeah, that word again) rather than working with the streamers to mine/digest/understand/use the data that’s provided to them to make the commercial’s more inviting, more interesting, more effective. Yep, they know more about us than we know about us. If they used the data accurately and if they showed marketers how/why to make their commercials better/more effective, everyone would be happier … especially the folks paying with their time. Studios and streamers aren’t afraid to use it when they consider the next project they waffle on greenlighting or the next film/show they consider producing/delivering. Almost instantly, they know it’s going to be good, how good, how many people it’s going to appeal to and the demographics of the audience. Check the data, run through the