MacDirectory Magazine

Stephen Hanson

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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ARMed and Ready Apple’s announcement that it’s moving from Intel to ARM at the WWDC last June sent a lot of developers scrambling. One company, however, was a couple of steps ahead (those steps being Photoshop and Lightroom). This fall, the venerable Adobe Illustrator will be coming to the iPad and is available now for pre-order on the App Store for iPad. Announced and demonstrated at last year’s MAX, it again proved how well Adobe’s graphics software can integrate with the iPad’s remarkable graphics power. This was shown to be true in terms of performance, illustrations comprised of thousands of objects are not a problem, as well as its interface. Like the mobile versions of Photoshop and Lightroom, the UI has been redesigned for use on Apple’s tablet, taking advantage of the touch interface as well as the Apple Pencils. As Adobe always likes to mention, the design team made extensive use of Adobe XD to develop it and a large pool of very talented digital artists like Ylying Lu, to assure that it will do what artists want in ways they like to work.

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