MacDirectory Magazine

Photography Edition

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Tools Generative AI can free up creative possibilities By Andy Marken Okay this upheaval in the content creation/production/distribution industry has gone on long enough and what we need is some creative solution that will solve it rather than simply moving the chairs on the Titanic. Everyone agrees there isn’t pay equity for the work they do, and the other guy/gal is coasting through his/her daily work racking up big (obscene) returns when the project is finally retired to the library. Entertainment today is just like every product. Success or failure is based on supply/demand. Last year the global film industry took in $77B while the cinema box office revenues were $26B and of course that doesn’t include the industry’s “other” income – pay TV (fading fast), DVDs (fading faster), airline sales, merchandise etc. Yes, it was those nasty tech companies that came up with the idea to bypass everyone and economically/conveniently stream stuff to your home. We know a lot of them and honestly…they aren’t the bad guys/gals. They are part of the solution to big problems. Movie houses attendance has been slipping since 2012 according to Bruce Nash, The Numbers - - even though the number of theater screens has grown to more than 208,000. Despite the insistence of tentpole producers like Tarantino, Cameron, Nolan and others as well as the pressure from A list actors like Pitt, Washington, Downey Jr., DiCaprio, Cruise, Hanks and many more around the globe

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