MacDirectory Magazine

Photography Edition

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Adobe MAX Sneaks Quite frankly, the feature announcements in Monday’s keynotes were beginning to sound a lot like its annual Sneaks session with all the AI tricks and treats that Adobe revealed. But Wednesday night reminded the audience there was always more waiting in the wings. A lot more, in fact. This year’s Sneaks was, quite thankfully, toned down from last year’s session where the presenters were frequently upstaged by the hosts. This year, however, the former were clearly the center of attention with co-hosts Adobe Sr. Design Manager Danielle Morimoto, holding her own with actor and comedian Adam Devine, the Workaholic on overtime. They got the biggest laughs that night (as they should). What follows are a few of our favorites from the evening. (Spoiler alert: we saved the best one for last.) Project Res Up Adobe Research Scientist Yang Zhou led off the presentations with his solution for those times when you really, really need to some old, low-res footage in your HD video. Worse than that, what if you need to crop it down because you only want a part of it. Once detail is gone, it’s gone. Right? Not in Zhou’s world. He comes to the rescue using AI diffusion-based technology to restore the missing detail. The results from his program resurrecting an analog TV resolution version of a 1940’s movie brought cheers from the crowd with both its restored detail and the smooth, nitrate-like tonality. Want to bring in that cute GIF meme you found online? Res Up will make that fit, as well. This is taking AI to the next step for Adobe. It’s not just saving time for users; it’s doing something that human’s simply cannot. A sharper image from Project Res Up

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