MacDirectory Magazine

Adobe Creative Suite

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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DEPARTMENT BEEBE > MACDIRECTORY'S TECH GODDESS Q>I hate the DVD player in Lion. It covers part of the video every time you move the mouse and it doesn't feature an eject button, and the OS won't let me move it. How do I get a DVD to automatically launch the Snow Leopard version of DVD player? - A. Mboya, CA A>Grab a copy of the old version and stick it in an appropriately named folder in your apps folder. Launch Automator, create an application, choose Launch Application from the list, then use the browser to select to the older DVD player app, then save the app (I have a Scripts folder on my drive). Go to System Preferences / CDs & DVDs and in the DVD insertion pop-up choose the Automator app you just created. That's it. Q>The gray background in Photoshop CS6 is hugely annoying. How do I get rid of it? – X. Poe, AL A>Go to the Window menu and uncheck Application Frame. And yes, it can be annoying, but the reason it is there is to provide a neutral background for accurate color perception. If you need to show a neutral background, type control+ to enlarge the image then type control option- to restore the image size while maintaining the larger window size. Q>I have a unibody MacBookPro with a dead hard drive. I can't see paying a ton of cash for an Apple Genius to install a hard drive but I am more than a little intimidated by the thought of doing it myself. I wouldn't even know where to begin. – C. Cummins, CO A>Go to They have highly detailed step-by-step instructions on how to repair just about any Mac around and they can sell you the tools as well. Take a look at the instructions before you do anything else and decide if this is within your skill set. Chances are that it is. Q>My startup drive was trashed and I need to retrieve an email list from address book but I can't do this without exporting it from my trashed address book. I have a backup of my email folder but it only allows me to export names to address book one at a time. I have over 100 addresses in the group. What do I do? – N. Park, LA A>There are probably other ways, but one way is to open a sent email that contains all the names and addresses. Copy and paste them into a text document. For the first line, type "first,last,email" (no spaces) and hit return. If your original email list includes the name of the recipient followed by the email address, do the following: Do a find and replace to replace the period after ".com." ".net." or whatever with a line return, then do a find and replace to change ", " (that is, a comma followed by a space) into a comma. Do another to get rid of the arrow brackets enclosing the email addresses. If a listing is missing a first and/or last name, insert a comma where the missing name should be (for example, "John " becomes "John,,me@mydomain". Make sure that you do not miss a "John & Jane" or something similar (insert underscores for the blanks). Save the result as a text file, then go to the saved file and change the file name extension from .txt to .csv. Launch your new address book, create a group, and import the .csv file. Make sure that you allow Address Book to use the first line as the headings. Click okay and there you have it. Q>I need to save stills from QuickTime movies. QT 7 Pro exports stills as PICTs, but I cannot open them in Photoshop or Preview. What do I do? - M. Dyers, NM A>PICT is an ancient (but still useful) format that runs in 32 bit mode, whereas modern versions of Photoshop and Preview are intended to run in 64 bit mode. Go to your apps folder, right click on the Preview app and select Get Info. In the Get Info window, check the box near the top that sets it to open in 32 bit mode. Now the app will open PICT files. 26 MacDirectory

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