MacDirectory Magazine

Photography Edition

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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+ iHealth Well-being Apps Compatible with multiple Apple devices 7 Minute Workout Challenge Designed for iPhone $3.99 • Offers In-App Purchases Workout anywhere and anytime with our award-winning fitness app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. 7 Minute Fitness Challenge is an app designed with your busy life in mind. Backed by actual research, the app can transform your body for a mere 7 minutes a day. Join over million people who have taken up thechallenge! Download the app today! For more information visit: SHRED: Gym & Home Workout Planner, Trainer & Tracker Free • Offers In-App Purchases A personal trainer in your pocket. Have fun working out at home or the gym with the best training programs, video classes, and fun motivation from a hardworking community around the world. Have fun working out at home or the gym with the best training programs and video classes. Get endless motivation from our hardworking community around the world! Easily create or join motivating fitness groups, sync your workouts with a partner, or challenge friends and family to competitions. Fpr more information visit:

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