MacDirectory Magazine

Photography Edition

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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How to Enable End-to-End Encryption for Your iCloud Account By Sergio Velasquez A special thanks to iDropNews for republishing permission. Images provided by iDropNews. Be sure to visit them at One of the things that Apple does best is security. Once you upload your information to the cloud, you know that data is the safest it can be. That’s all thanks to how Apple now protects your data with end-to-end encryption, and the best part is that you don’t need to let your iPhone and Apple do all the heavy lifting. There are ways to make your iCloud account even more secure. Enter Advanced Data Protection, a feature that will make all your data as secure as possible. No one will be able to access it but you. The best part? It’s pretty easy to set up as long as you meet all the requirements. Here’s everything you need to know. What Is Advanced Data Protection? Advanced Data Protection is Apple’s highest level of security for your iCloud account. Due to the security it involves — and the risk of locking yourself out of your data if you’re not careful — this feature is completely optional, so you need to turn it on manually. One this feature is on, almost all your iCloud data, including Photos, Notes, and iCloud Backups, is completely protected with end-to-end encryption. Advanced Data Protection is so secure that you’ll be the only one who can access your data. Not even Apple can see it once you enable this feature. That’s why you’ll also need to create a recovery method in case you forget your password. This is extremely important because if you lose access to your account, the recovery method will be the only way to get in again. If you lose it, that data will be gone, so you need to be 100% sure you want to run this risk before enabling Advanced Data Protection.

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