MacDirectory Magazine

Pavel Prokopev

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Page 41 of 143

NAB Preshow - Conventions Highlight Production Shift By Andy Marken Almost every segment of the M&E industry had something to crow – and complain - about when Black Widow finished its first weeks this summer. NATO (National Association of Theatre Owners) bragged that people were rushing back to put their seats in seats ($90M U.S., $90+ M international). The streaming industry said, “See same-day releases are good for everyone, especially consumers,” as Disney + racked up more than $60M in premium access. Of course, Scarlett Johanson’s agents and lawyers weren’t happy but that’s way above our pay grade! We were more impressed that MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) and a whole lot of other project teams were able to produce/post video stories during a very tough year. Have you seen the list of hundreds of great titles scheduled for theatrical, streaming, pay TV the last half of this year? Creative teams were awesome!

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