MacDirectory Magazine

Tune In!

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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42 MacDirectory DEPARTMENT Millionaire or Bust Collapse, crash, descend, nose-dive, plummet. Anyone willing to report on finances these days has been scrambling for synonyms to describe the constant bad news being pumped out of Wall Street. And while podcast enthusiasts may not be too eager to download the latest market updates, they shouldn't shy away from the Millionaire or Bust show. Hosts David and Talli—who are not in any way financial planners, accountants or money managers—deliver a nice mix of quick news updates and sensible advice. Topics range from how to deal with identity theft to suggestions for traveling on a budget. Nearly every episode is less than 30 minutes, making it an ideal show for your morning commute—assuming you're still making one. Stuff You Should Know You may already be familiar with the site listed above, but did you know that all the random information from that site is available in a high- quality weekly podcast? Within a few minutes of listening to a single show, I learned that all of the paper that is thrown out each year in the United States could be constructed into a 12-foot-high wall that would stretch from New York to Los Angeles. This podcast does become rather addictive, and sometimes you might find yourself wondering why you're listening to a show about what can be done with a dead body, but it's just so good that its difficult to pull yourself away from the speakers. Alright, one last useless fact from this show: for about $2,500 you can have a gram of your cremated-self blasted into space. Phew, I was wondering how much that would cost. LickLibrary Whether you play 16 hours of Guitar Hero each day or wail away on the air guitar during your morning shower, it's time to accept the fact that real rock stars play real instruments. If mastering the gitbox has been a lifelong ambition, you might want check out the LickLibrary video podcast. Each episode introduces new styles of playing, and all the great genres like blues, metal, rock, country and jazz are covered. Some of the lessons are clearly tailored to novices; while other episodes require a certain amount of dexterity not usually possessed by amateurs. The only downside is that there are a limited number of free episodes available on iTunes, but there's certainly enough to keep you plucking the strings for quite a while. The EnvironMinute For nearly 20 years the EnvironMinute has been delivering succinct, pertinent environmental updates to a worldwide audience. Topics covered on the daily episodes include new environmental legislation and the findings of recent scientific studies. Outstanding production quality and stellar reporting gives the episodes the feel of a news-radio program. In addition to its iTunes presence, The EnvironMinute is broadcast on more than 100 radio stations. So take a minute, literally, and get informed. It's worth it. Open Source Sex According to host Violet Blue's Web site, she is an author, sex educator, blogger, podcaster, columnist, GETV reporter and a robotic artist. That's an impressive collection of titles to say the least, especially the robotic artist part. In her semi-regular podcast, Open Source Sex, Violet holds nothing back while delving into topics like "dealing with weird fantasies," "unsafe sex products," and the always risqué "how to kiss." Every episode is interesting, informative and, most importantly, not too sleazy. HOTTEST PODCASTS MACDIRECTORY PRESENTS ITS PERIODIC LOOK AT THE HOTTEST PODCASTS ON THE WEB. WHETHER IT'S MONEY, THE ENVIRONMENT, SEX OR JUST PLAIN "STUFF," WE HAVE IT COVERED. WORDS BY CHRIS SWEENEY

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