176 MacDirectory
MD has created a way to unite Mac users from all over the globe.
Simply drop us a recent picture, age, email address, and let us
know what you do with your Mac at midnight. Don't be shy! Email
us at > art@macdirectory.com.
Photos by Marc Burgess
I'm Channy. I'm 23 and I
check the hottest faces
on FaceBook at midnight.
I'm Kristina. I'm 21, and I
erase all the bulk e-mail
from the day at midnight.
I'm Anthonio. I'm 20 and
I groove to R&B at
midnight on my Mac.
I'm Jin. I'm 21, and I listen
to music and surf the net
at midnight on my Mac.
I'm Cris. I'm 23, and I'm
downloading tracks to
choreograph to.
I'm Luke. I'm almost 3,
and I like to pound the
keys and watch DVD's on
my Mac.
I'm Nikita. I'm 21, and I'm
browsing the Internet at
midnight on my Mac.
I'm Roseann. I'm 23, and
I do dark and mysterious
things at midnight.
I'm Robertas. I'm 65, and
I research historical events
at midnight on my Mac.
I'm Anna. I'm 22 and I
download iTunes at
midnight on my Mac.
I'm Mark. I'm 21, and I go
surfing on Safari at
midnight on my Mac.
I'm Nicole. I'm 24, and I
order pizza and shop for
furs on my Mac.
I'm Marissa. I'm 15 and
I'm on YouTube and
watching movies at
midnight on my Mac.
I'm Vania. I'm 25, and I
get all my stuff organized
and talk to my friends.
I'm Chantel. I'm 4, and
mommy says I'm too
young to touch the
computer that late!
I'm Craig. I'm 6, and I'm
sleeping at midnight but
before then I love to play
games on my Mac.