MacDirectory Magazine

Spring-Summer 2008 (#37)

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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138 MacDirectory CLOSER LOOK FARONICS > POWER SAVE AND DEEP FREEZE As we move into the future, one of the main goals of high-tech companies is to reduce the amount of energy used in everyday life. Faronics Inc., based in San Ramon, Calif., is marketing the Power Save program with the environment in mind. Power Save allows companies to control one workstation or hundreds with a few keystrokes. Available in five languages, the program not only maintains lower power levels throughout the computing environment, but provides the user with a detailed report of energy usage and ways to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. "With all the concerns over global warming, carbon footprints and rising energy costs, using Power Save makes perfect sense," said Vik Khanna, vice president and chief operating officer of Faronics. "After all you wouldn't leave your car running day and night, so why do it with your computer?" The goal of Power Save is delivering intelligent energy management to Macs. It goes above and beyond the basic power settings that come with Mac OS X by implementing energy management based on CPU, disk, and application activity, which means users are able to enjoy the benefits of computer energy management without any impact to their productivity. On average, Power Save Mac provides energy savings up to $50 per year (per computer), Faronics specialists estimate. And Power Save users qualify for rebates from local utility providers for working with a "green" product. "Faronics' customer-centric approach is consistently focused on providing value to our users," said Shaun Applebaum, product manager for Power Save at Faronics. "Localization is a great way to cross linguistic barriers, open doors to new markets, and provide choices to our customers that demonstrate value and respect for their culture." One of Faronics' latest innovations is Deep Freeze for the Mac and PC. Deep Freeze allows a user to download Web sites, make changes to the computer's hard drive or just about any other action without doing permanent damage to the computer. When rebooted, the computer goes back to the same condition it was in before the user made changes. The Los Angeles Police Department recently deployed Anti-Executable and Deep Freeze as a comprehensive solution for the 1,586 new patrol car MDC laptops. Deep Freeze lets the user quickly reboot the laptop and return it to its original configuration with each use, eliminating the need for laptops to be brought in or replaced. "Deep Freeze and Anti-Executable are crucial to preserving an image determined for mission critical law enforcement systems used 24x7 to ensure reliability and security with minimal downtime and with the least reliance on IT personnel," said Tim Riley, chief information officer of the LAPD. Not only has the LAPD found Deep Freeze helpful, so has the school system in Paulsboro, N.J. When faced with a lack of manpower throughout the district, officials decided to try Deep Freeze to minimize unauthorized changes to the school computers and servers. "Deep Freeze has saved us," Ted Eiferman, the school district's computer network administrator, said. "The technicians rarely get calls anymore to fix computers because of changes in the software. If they do, the caller is told to reboot the machine to fix the problem." Eiferman said the computers also run more smoothly because they are not burdened with software designed to stop the user from doing things. Deep Freeze has also been a great help for the district in the computer labs where there is no lab manager and the computers must maintain a consistent configuration. And computer viruses have been reduced due to the efficiency of Deep Freeze." From energy reduction to hardware protection, Faronics has the computing field covered. For more information on either product, visit . WORDS BY MARY ROSENTHOL

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