MacDirectory Magazine

Creative Apps for your iPad

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Page 59 of 94

Fontlab Fontlab Ltd. has specialized in the development of digital type design tools since 1993. The FontLab® product line includes FontLab Studio™, Fontographer®, TypeTool™, TransType™, ScanFont™, BitFonter® and FontLab Pad™. The Fontlab Ltd. company is incorporated in Panama and has staff and contractors around the world, including the USA, Canada, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. FontLab was founded by VP of Engineering Yuri Yarmola, who invented the software, and chair Ted Harrison. Other key team members are Thomas Phinney (President) and Adam Twardoch (Director of Products).

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