MacDirectory Magazine

Pavel Prokopev

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Page 49 of 143

Little Things - Content Providers Prosper One Project at a Time By Andy Marken There are a couple of fallacies in the M&E industry – or any industry – and when company management really believes them, it seldom ends well. There’s always someone who knows that the other guy is making all the money, all the profit … the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. No one bothers to think that the neighbor’s grass might be greener because they have a septic tank problem. The person who owns the pipe to the consumer knows the individual who owns the content is raking in the profits and the best path to huge profits is to own the front and back end. Oh yeah, and once they have the content, they just know it is the most valuable stuff around and folks will do anything to watch it, including paying more for video stories in their library and putting up with so-so service. After all, … content is king, isn’t it? Nope! People have to want it, like it and that is tricky … at best. The M&E business is complicated, complex, finicky … different.

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