MacDirectory Magazine

Pavel Prokopev

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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End in Sight - People are Settling into New Entertainment Habits By Andy Marken We primed ourselves for a real treat last week, checking NYC flights, hotel reservations, theater ticket availability. No, it’s not a vacation or business trip. Broadway is finally reopening so we’re planning to go back and see Tina … again! To get in the mood, we watched her 2009 final concert music video. Then her 1993 movie, What’s Love Got to Do with It. Then the documentary Tina. Sure, movie house experiences are great, watching stuff on our home screen is good but feeling the vibes of live theater is ridiculously outta’ sight. Don’t get us wrong, we were glad to hear AMC’s CEO Adam Aron proclaim, “We’re back and we’re hot,” this summer. Tentpole upon tentpole upon tentpole, validated theaters were back … bigger, badder and more profitable than ever. Every movie house owner and studio partners pulled out all of the stops, squeezing two years of content into one abbreviated period. They were so anxious to bounce back better than normal that they even had a special week of “y’all come” events in June and July to entice people back into theaters. Producers, directors and actors hung out around ticket booths and concession stands to ensure folks knew coming back to the “true” movie experience was way better than staying home to enjoy that “mundane” streaming stuff. Even without the whoopla, Susan and her “gotta see a movie in a theater” addict friends were delighted to slip into the darkened cinemas and go where no man – or woman – had gone for a long, long time. Aron and the rest of the theatrical industry hope people keep up the momentum because ticket and concession sales are better than they were in 2019. Right now, studio execs need that audience because their big budget backlog of sequel, prequel, spin-off superhero and over-the-top stuff need the ticket sales to make a profit before they recycle the films to their streaming services. And the movie house industry – NATO (National Association of Theatre Owners), international cinema associations, and indie cinemas – need the attendees to buy popcorn as they put seats

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