MacDirectory Magazine

Rachel Gray

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Rebelle 4 Art Nuances Expressed with Digital Oils and Watercolors Lubomir Zabadal, Department of Creative Arts and Art Education, UKF University in Nitra, Slovakia For centuries, painting techniques like oils and watercolors, have been providing a way for artists to express their view on the world. Just imagine watercolors of Egyptian writers, brilliant landscapes of English painters from 18th or 19th century, or renaissance oil masterpieces. They all gave these techniques royal status. This is the reason why graphic software developers try to replicate it so much. Often, it is done in the sterile digital environment, where the appealing visual effect is more important than the authenticity of the painting process itself. Many traditional artists avoid digital tools because they cannot be satisfied with having just a digital stroke with added effect and texture. Since its launch in 2015, Escape Motions’ painting software Rebelle is paving a different way. Creators research every possible aspect of painting, with the aim to bring as realistic experience to the digital world as possible. New Oil engine and completely revised Watercolors in Rebelle 4 brought digital painting even closer to reality. The behavior of these tools will certainly surprise you. Just pick a brush and the tip will softly scratch the canvas. Paint particles will catch on hills and valleys of color. Layers of paint create wonderful impasto structures. Add some oil, the paint becomes supple and naturally spreads and mixes with different colors. If desired, load more paint on the brush and get a completely different result. Moreover, Rebelle’s brushes are shaped as traditional brushes – pick from round, filbert, flat, hairy, or a selection of palette knives. All brushes, including those you make combining different shapes and grains, are fully customizable. Save size, loading, oiliness, and paint mode for each brush individually. New Oil engine comes with different paint modes, including paint, blend, erase, and its combinations. You can alternate between painting and blending applying different pressure or tilting the pen. With an Erase mode, you can remove the paint using different brushes, or simply scratch the paint layers and create different textures. If you like to play with different mixed media, try to use for example oils with watercolors. Lay watercolor on top of oil texture and watch the paint flow like a river in the valley creating fascinating effects. Influence the flow even more by tilting

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