MacDirectory Magazine

Natalie Shau

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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Page 98 of 104

SonicPics SonicPics is a very easy to use tool for turning your images into custom slideshow movies that you can share with your friends online! SonicPics lets you add images from your iPhone's photo library or camera, arrange your photos, and then narrate the project to create an enhanced m4v video (complete with chapters). Take photos of your kids, special events, weddings, vacations, the new pet, or first day at camp and narrate them with SonicPics! Narrate your photos like never before, flipping to each image as you are ready to talk. You choose the timing. SonicPics makes it easy to make slideshow movies on your iPod touch or iPhone. When the recording is complete, publish your movie to your YouTube account or to your computer (wifi required).

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