MacDirectory Magazine

Natalie Shau

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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CAPDASE Powered by an ambition to satisfy consumer needs in the early days of modern digital gadgets, Derek Mak, Stanley Chu and Steve Cheung, three tech-savvy visionaries in Hong Kong saw the immense business opportunity for protective cases. They created the first model-specific leather case with built-in fixture for PDA in the world. In 2003, they formed CAPDASE, a young startup whose name embodies its origins (CASE designed to offer all-round protection to a PDA). With the advent of smartphones, the company expanded its range to include other mobile accessories. The business took off and in just 13 years, CAPDASE became a leading global trader in mobile accessories with a full range of products sold in over 50 countries, having achieved many industry firsts in the process.

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