MacDirectory Magazine

Mike Thompson

MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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which is definitely not new. In fact, it’s one of the most common types of macOS malware around, with some security experts estimating that the Shlayer family as a whole infects 1 in 10 Macs worldwide. So why include it in this list? Because in 2020, a new Shlayer variant was spotted “in the wild” — and this one had successfully passed Apple’s App Notarization process! App Notarization is basically an automated security check that inspects apps for malicious components and code-signing issues; all app developers have to submit their apps to the notarization service before they can run on macOS. At least, that’s what’s supposed to happen. But last year, analysts found some Shlayer malware that had apparently made it through App Notarization somehow, and was running on macOS as legitimate software. Bottom line? Everyday users need to remember that Mac malware is becoming more prevalent (and more sophisticated), and that Apple’s built-in security checks don’t always catch everything. This means that now more than ever, you are the best defense against bad things happening on your Mac. This means that you should: • Learn how to spot phishing attacks and suspicious links • Follow best practices for safe downloads • Pay attention to system dialogs and alerts, and make sure you understand them before clicking through • Try to keep up with the latest Mac security news, either by following accounts on social media, on security news outlets, or by listening to security-themed podcasts like this one • Make use of third-party software, like outbound firewalls and malware detection and removal tools, in order to add an extra layer of security to your Mac

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