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you have in your hand or you're in front of, game on! Of course, her mother isn't happy about our Gen Zer playing some of the more violent games; but we're rather glad she's out there fighting aliens from other planets and taking out the hordes of zombies that just never seem to want to stay down. Pew Research said people had a common concern that violent games drive real-time aggression but studies by the APA (American Psychiatric Association), Oxford Internet Institute and other organizations find no link between the degree of violence and real-world aggression. Although we're not a huge gamer (O.K., we're pathetic at it), we agree with most sociological/psychological research that explains game play as a way to release the frustrations of the day, achieve your ideal self – braver, faster, fairer, more generous, more glorious than you might actually be – or simply be the best you can be. Self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (, which is probably why game play on any device not only continues to be popular but is also a helluva' lot better for you than some of the stuff you do. Or, as Richard Bartle, an early MMO developer, noted; "Basically, if you're a jerk in real life, you're going to be a jerk in any kind of social setting, and if you're not, you're not." There are a lot of reasons for playing games seriously and casually, which is why O'Donnell found people are continuing to spend more time and money gaming on any/every platform/ device. As Confucius said, "wherever you go there you are." To which Parzival added, "It's not about winning, it's about playing."