MacDirectory Magazine


MacDirectory magazine is the premiere creative lifestyle magazine for Apple enthusiasts featuring interviews, in-depth tech reviews, Apple news, insights, latest Apple patents, apps, market analysis, entertainment and more.

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6 Quick And Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Aging Ipad By Tyler Lacoma You don't want to give up your beloved iPad, we completely understand. If it still works, it still deserves a place by your side. But as Apple's tablets get older, they can also get slower; which is caused by a combination of software and hardware issues. If your iPad is so slow it's starting to frustrate you; it's time to make a change – without replacing it entirely. Here's what to do to give your iPad a significant speed boost. Continue reading to learn 6 Quick and Easy Ways to Speed up Your Aging iPad. 1. Update and Restart This should always be your first step when attempting to improve the speed of an Apple device. Apple updates don't just add new features, they also contain optimization updates to help software run more efficiently, which leads to speed boosts. This can have a big impact, especially if it's been a while since you've updated your iPad and it's fallen a long way behind the current state of iOS. 1. So plug in your iPad, and head to Settings. 2. General. 3. Software update, and apply any updates that are waiting for you. 4. When finished, fully power down your iPad and then restart it. This simple step can make a big difference. 2. Turn off Background App Refresh Background App Refresh is a feature that causes apps to update in the background to collect new information at various time intervals. Unless you're using a really important app that needs to be updated all of the time, this isn't required, and turning it off can help both improve battery life and increase iPad speed for the apps that you're using. 1. Head to Settings. 2. Go to the General section. 3. Select Background App Refresh to disable it completely, or only keep it enabled for the most important apps that you have.

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